Help With A Logo Design Project

Help With A Logo Design Project

Shopping for a logo is a simple exercise on the surface, but much more challenging when you get down to it. Your logo is a big part of your brand. It will appear on all your stationery, signatures, marketing material and should appear on everything your company produces. That makes that little area an important piece of real estate.

As logo designers, we constantly hear “I know what I want, but I don’t know how to explain it.” “I know what my logo looks like, but I can’t draw it.” “I’ll know my logo when I see it.” While they may be true, they don’t help us one little bit.

Here are some tips to make sure you get the logo design you’re looking for when working with a designer.

Gather examples. Examples are a great way to illustrate to your graphic designer the kinds of styles and colors you like. They will display your taste in a much more effective way that words alone.

Work with somebody who suits your style. We all have different tastes and styles. When shopping for a logo, it’s important to find a designer you can work with. One who can reflect the style you’re looking for. Some designers prefer antique style, others only do modern. If you have an idea of the kind of logo design you’re looking for, choose a designer who can work with them.

Define your business. The more information you can provide your logo designer the better job they can do for you. Defining your business means telling them your hopes and dreams for your venture. Tell them where you are and where you want to be, your target audience, demographic and any other information you can.

Give detailed, constructive feedback. Don’t just say “I don’t like it.” Be specific. Tell them what it is that you don’t like. More importantly, tell them what you do like about it. Build on those positives if there are any.

Tell the designer what you want to expand on in a revision, and what you want to change. The more detail you can offer, the better job they can do for you.

Remember the logo is for your business, not for you. Personal taste is important when you’re a small business because everything you do reflects on you as a person. However, this logo isn’t for you, it’s for your business. The design needs to reflect where the business is and wants to be. If you have a close relationship with clients, show some of the concepts to them to see what they think. If they consider one to offer the kind of image you’re looking for, you may need to consider it.

Designing a logo isn’t an exact science. Getting the logo design you want is part art and part science. You have an important part to play in this process and a good logo designer will make you feel that.