Social Media Marketing

Denver Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is a relatively new technique which leverages social media networks to promote a business. The goals of the strategy vary, but are commonly to promote a brand, a business, website or brand management. All are part of an overall marketing campaign and work best when used in conjunction with other marketing strategies.

Thought Mechanics makes sure you’re pushing your social media strategy to its limit. We work closely with our clients to ensure they are using the right networks in the right way to get their message across. As a leading Denver social media marketing company we understand how best to leverage your social signals help increase your business and improve your branding.

Some of the methods of social media marketing we use are:

  • Geolocation services like Google Places, Facebook, Foursquare and others to check your physical location and make local connections.
  • Facebook advertising to reach a highly targeted, active audience.
  • Social search to integrate status, social media profiles and other elements to create a cohesive online brand.
  • Personal branding to ensure you’re saying the right things, even when you aren’t saying anything.
  • Social media PR using Twitter and other networks to promote real time messages about your business.

There are other elements to a social media marketing campaign, but those listed above are the most popular. We work with a diverse client base and tailor each campaign to the needs of that client. What methods we use will depend on the specific goals of your campaign. Whatever tools we use, we ensure we get the absolute most out of them, each and every time.

Thought Mechanics is focused on the social web and is passionate about building brands. We team up with companies across the world to leverage all forms of social media. We create conversations, increase word of mouth and build lasting relationships.

To enjoy the benefits of a professionally conducted social media marketing campaign, call us now on 888-470-0004, or use our online form.

Check out this video to see how Facebook Advertising can be used to promote your brand.